What is Google Search Console and How to Use it - Complete Information

Deepak Potalwad

What is Google Search Console and How to Use it - Complete Information

What is Google Search Console and How to Use it - Complete Information in Marathi

Google is the most used search engine in the world. 52 percent of the world's population uses Google to find information on the Internet. A blog or website must be added to such a widely used search engine. Google is the main traffic source for all websites in India.

An important advantage of adding a blog to Google is that whenever a search is made, Google will show the posts of various blogs. The posts are displayed in an order. The post that has the best SEO is the post that ranks first in Google. Google has a tool called Google Search Console or Google Webmaster or Google Search Central to connect and control all blogs and websites on Google.

In today's post, we are going to learn about Google Search Console. Then we will see how to add blog or website to the Google search engine. Let's see how to use Search Console after adding a blog and finally look at the benefits of Google Search Console for the blog or website owner. So let's start without further ado.

What is Google Search Console? (What is Google Search Console in Marathi)

Google Search Console is a tool to control the websites or blogs that are added to Google. The website owner gets information about which URLs have errors, crawling errors, and much more through this tool. Google Webmaster Tool is completely free. Anyone can use it.

Google search console shows all the clicks on the website by Google search engine, from which country, and at what time. Along with this, it is also known how many times the blog went first on Google. If your blog or website is not linked to Google Webmaster, it will not be shown on Google. Now let's see how to use Google Search Console.

How to use Google Search Console?

     Let's see how Google Search Console can be used for a blog or website. In this we will learn about how to add a blog to Google Webmaster and submit a sitemap, these are important processes.

How to Add Blog to Google Search Console-

To add a blog to Google Search Console, first go to the Google Search Console website. The following page will pop up in front of you.

Now click on the "Start now" button and log in by entering your email and password.

Now a box like Select property type will appear in front of it, go to "URL prefix" and enter the URL of your blog or website in the given place and click on the "CONTINUE" button.

If your blog is on Blogger then you don't need to do verification it gets verified automatically, but if the blog is on WordPress then you have to do some steps to verify. The HTML tag method is easy for this. Paste the given code before the <body> in the <head> of the blog's HTML code and click on DONE. The verification of the blog will be completed.

Congratulations, your site has now been added to the Google search engine.

The site is linked to Google but Google needs to know that you have blog posts, and pages that you want to index, and for that, you have to submit a sitemap. We will see it below.

How to Submit Sitemap to Google Search Console-

Before submitting a sitemap, you should know what a sitemap is. So let's first see what sitemaps are.

A sitemap is a map of a blog or website that helps search engines find, crawl, and index the site. A sitemap lets search engines know which pages of a site are important and search engines index pages and posts accordingly. So let's see how to submit a sitemap.

Procedure to Submit Sitemap-

Go to "Settings" from the blogger's menu.

Scroll down and find out what's in the photo.

Turn on Enable custom robot.txt. (as in the photo) and copy and paste the following code in Custom robots.txt.

-code start-

User-agent: *

Disallow: /search

Allow: /


https://www.softwarecrushs.com/atom.xml? redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500

-code end-

Robots.txt generator online

Now open the Google Search Console and click on the Sitemaps option in the menu.

Now paste the following URL in the given space.

   <<<< atom.xml? redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500 >>>>

Put your link instead of my blog link in it and click on "SUBMIT".

If the status shows Success, then the sitemap has been successfully submitted, and if there is a wait for some time. Sometimes success takes time.

How to see if a blog is indexed or not-

Let's see how to check if your site is linked to Google but not indexed on Google through Google Search Console.

Type the blog's URL into the search box at the top of the Google Search Console and enter.

If the following appears in front of you, then your blog has been indexed in Google.

And if not as above then your blog or post is not indexed yet. Sometimes it takes a day to get the blog indexed and sometimes it takes even a month.

Important - Getting indexed means getting a blog or blog post added to Google.

Getting ranked means getting a blog post on the first page of Google.

Some people don't know the difference between the two


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